Saturday, October 25, 2014

Millard Newton S

So it was recently decided that my grandma could no longer live on her own and will need to move in with my Aunt on a permanent bases. As such her home has to be boxed up and stuff sorted through and my mom, aunt's and uncle will need to decide where her stuff will go. I was able to visit her home earlier this month and although I didn't take these photos I was able to use my phone to capture these photo's. I also spoke to my Grandma on the phone and asked her that once things are settled and her photo books are brought to her if she would allow me to come and visit with her and learn more about my family as well as look at all the photos she has. She of course said yes! So I am eagerly awaiting for that to happen but in the mean time here are the photo's I took:

                                                  This is my grandma & her first husband JC

                                                    This is my grandma & Aunt Wanda

                                  This is my grandma and my Aunt Wanda about 5 or 6 years ago
                                                    This is  my Great Grandma Bradley
                              My Great Grandfather is at the top left and Grandma on the bottom right sides

                                                    This is my great Grandpa Bradley

                                                                     Newton Farm

                                                  Another photo of the Newton Farm

                              I have to be honest I am not sure who these two are hopefully Grandma can tell                                    me soon or maybe my mom.

I have to say I feel very blessed to be able to view these photos. My dad's side of the family there are very few photos if any at all. And documenting his side of the family is becoming quite the task. I am unable to locate certain people and no one I ask seem to know much if anything at all about the past. So finding this information for my mom's side is like a treasure trove for me and one I am quite enjoying to find