Friday, January 2, 2015

More Pictures

So when my dad brought over the picture of my Grandma and her sister's he also brought pictures of her parents and of Grandma as she was a child. I never knew my grandparents on her side nor did I know what they looked like. To get a chance to see them is very priceless to me. 

                                                Grandma Tingles Parents the Thornhill's

                                                 The back of this photo says Grandparents
                                                 I am assuming the little girl is my Grandma
                                                    This one say's Grandma & mom so  
                                                 one of these girls has to be my grandma

I am spending my weekend cleaning but also finding more information from my family tree. I can't wait till the day comes that I can hand my parents there full family tree. That day will be bittersweet because my journey will be done but it will bring such joy to them both.I hope you will continue to follow me on my journey.